The EAT-26 and EAT-40 are protected under copyright; however, because it has been the wishes of the originators to provide individual users with free access to these tests, all fees and royalties have been waived. The exception to this free access is commercial WEB platforms that charge user fees. In this case, a licensing agreement must be obtained from the copyright holder by contacting Eating Attitudes, LLC (see below). Follow the instructions below to obtain the appropriate permissions.
In order to request permission to use or reproduce a physical or electronic copy of the EAT-26 or EAT-40, please click the appropriate box below and provide your name and e-mail address (other information is optional) to obtain a permission letter.
In order to request permission to put a link to either the EAT-26 or the EAT-40 on your website so that users can take the test and immediately receive anonymous scoring and feedback, please click the appropriate box. You will be given information about several formats for embedding the links on your website. Commercial WEB platforms that charge user fees must obtain a licensing agreement from the copyright holder to link or embed the EAT on their website. Follow the instructions below to obtain the appropriate permissions.
If you have other questions about the EAT-26, please contact the author:
David M. Garner, Ph.D.
Eating Attitudes LLC
The correct citation for the EAT-26
The EAT-26 has been reproduced with permission. Garner et al. (1982). The Eating Attitudes Test: Psychometric features and clinical correlates. Psychological Medicine, 12, 871-878
The correct citation for the EAT-40
The EAT-40 has been reproduced with permission. Garner & Garfinkel. (1979). The Eating Attitudes Test: Psychometric features and clinical correlates. Psychological Medicine, 12, 871-878