Anonymous Feedback

Use the EAT-26 to help you determine if you need to speak to a mental health professional to get help for an eating disorder. It will take about 2 minutes to complete.

Take the EAT-40. The EAT-40 is the original version of the Eating Attitudes Test. The 40-item version was shortened to 26-items (EAT-26) based on a factor analysis.

Donate to Eat-26

All donations go to Eating Attitudes LLC for the sole purpose of maintaining this website. Eating Attitudes LLC is dedicated to making anonymous self-assessment of eating disorder risk using the EAT-26 available to consumers at no cost.

The website is also devoted to making the EAT-26 and EAT-40 tests available to clinicians, researchers, and consumers for free. Finally, the EAT-26 website is committed to providing other resources that will assist in screening and a better understanding of eating disorders.

It is the hope that the website can remain free of advertisements and this can only be achieved by the kind donations by website visitors. So please help us keep the website up and running by donating as little as $1.00.

Personal information will NEVER be sold or provided to others and we will not contact you for further donations unless you specify that you would like to make a recurrent donation.